Coding Camp
Lesson 2
Right Click on editor and select open link in new tab.
Save the project as L2
How do we start a html?
How many boxes do we have?
7 boxes or 9 boxes
<html> <head> </head> <body></body> </html>
How many div sets do we need?
Let's type the div id.
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
What unit do we have for 1st box?
<div id="unit1"></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
<div id=" "></div>
What unit do we have for 2st box?
Type the units for each div tag.
Click on the CSS
What background color do we have for the unit1?
Type the background color property for unit1.
#unit1{ background-color:purple;}
What is the width & height for unit1?
What background color do we have for the unit2?
#unit2{ background-color:yellow;}
What is the width & height for unit2?
#unit1{ background-color:purple; width:50px; height:50px;} #unit2{ background-color:yellow; width:50px; height:25px; }
What property will we use to give space between the boxes?
#unit1{ background-color:purple; width:50px; height:50px; ?? } #unit2{ background-color:yellow; width:50px; height:25px; ?? }
Add the margin property.
Unit3 will have the same background color, width and height as unit2.
Copy unit2 and paste it as unit3.
#unit3{ background-color:??; width:??px; height:??px; margin:??px; }
Change the values for unit3.
#unit3{ background-color:yelllow; width:50px; height:25px; margin:10px; }
What background color do we have for unit4 and unit5?
#unit4{ background-color:orange;} #unit5{ background-color:red; }
What width and height do we have for unit4 and unit5?
#unit4{ background-color:orange; width:50px; height:50px;} #unit5{ background-color:red; width:50px; height:50px; }
Add margin property.
Unit 6 is same as unit_?
unit3 or unit4
What about unit7, unit8 and unit9?
Type the CSS code for unit6 and unit9.
Does your pattern looks similar to this?
Great, now let's learn a new property.
In CSS, type border-radius in unit1:
Unit1 became a __?
Border-radius makes a square into __?
Square / Circle
Let us now change all the squares into circles(Unit4, 6, 9).
Does your output look like this?
Good Job!
Click on the Save button to save your project.